Ethiopian PM Appoints Tigrayan Forces Spokesperson as Regional Head 

Ethiopia’s prime minister has appointed the spokesperson of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front as head of an interim administration in the Tigray region.

The appointment is the latest sign of progress in the peace deal that ended the two-year war between the government and the TPLF last November.

Getachew Reda’s appointment was announced in a Twitter message from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office Thursday. The interim regional administration will be in place until elections are held for the region.

The peace deal has resulted in the halt of open conflict and a handover of heavy weapons from Tigrayan forces to the federal government. The government has resumed essential services to the region and has opened aid corridors. It also  dropped its designation of the TPLF as a terrorist designation Wednesday, after lawmakers approved the decision by a majority vote.

Reda, along with other Tigrayan officials, had been charged with terrorism under the designation. Ethiopian media reports said those charges were expected to be lifted, though they have yet to be formally discontinued.

A TPLF spokesperson was not immediately available to comment.

Rights groups have accused all sides of committing war crimes during the two-year war, including the TPLF, Ethiopia’s federal government, and Eritrean and regional Amhara forces who fought on the side of the government.

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